Monday, August 18, 2008

Lauren Chia Yan Hong!


wow! sudah damn tua man! 16 years old! =D ahhaha. soon u'll be 50 and all wrinkly! hahhaha! =P well, i hope ur 16th has been a sweet one girl! if it hasn't, you know la which guy i'm gonna have to find for not making it sweet. haha! =P

anyway, sorry this post didn't come up earlier. have been busy the whole day with assignments which i had to stop at 11 smth pm cuz me and my partner were just getting absolutely nowhere with it. hope you don't mind! it should have come up like last night la. at 12 am. but u know me procrastinator. haha!

and about ur present..... hmmmmmmm. well, i haven't really got anything proper yet la. but i did reply ur mail! :D and one whole post just for you also. thats counted as a present rightt?? =P and i also made u an ambigram! =D

hope u like it la. it's nothing fancy and all. but yea. and yea, i will try and think of something to get u k! =D

oh ya. and thx for being an awesome sis to me for the past 4 years! (wow thats really long time di eh? =P) i shall expect to see more awesomeness for another year to come k! haha!

kk i shall end now. hope ur day has been great enough for ur sweet sixteen! =D Sayang Lauren! *bighugehugallthewayfromnz!*


The Awesome! =D

p.s.: reply my mail laarrr. why u make me wait so long??? one day di tau!! =P hahahahhahahah! jk jk =P

Currently Listening To: Happy Birthday To Lauren Chia! =P

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