Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Well It's Better Than Nothing I Guess

well, today's replacement test went not so bad. at least i managed to answer some. and i'm so glad that it'll some what be counted still. i'm just glad that it's not a total 0 la. :) well, at least now u can say u know of someone who overslept and missed his test. :)

and craps. i got 10++ chapters to study in 2 days. great. and i spent time gaming and all today. sheesh.

oh Warman design project stuff came back. apparently my group got the highest in class. yeay my team! :D

and i totally didn't reply ppls texts today. sry. :( i was kinda busy discussing stuff.

what stuff? oh just discussing with parents. cuz u know, Granddad's bday this sat. and u know, parents want me home. and u know, it's hols from friday onwards. so u know :)

yeaps! be coming back to Malaysia! :D the only prob is the flight booking now is currently near midnight. which is quite mafan. plus i gotta pack and what not. ugh. but hey, at least i can go home and celebrate. pretty big even this year since it's his 90th bday. heck, i even recorded a video of myself wishing him with "NZ scenery". Calvin was my cameraman. haha. so yeah. i'm actually pretty excited. cuz i get to go back, plus i get to go for the function. and i just realised that i get to celebrate Sut's bday too. not bad.

so well, friday's plans, leave for friday. haha.

and i just realised i think i lost my favourite t-shirt. i have no idea where it is. :( it's my humble but still the best t-shirt. haihhhh.

k la. i should go now. i shall update my blog on how things are here in NZ soon. maybe like next week, cuz Li-Hsien said i should. :) but then again, if i see u in person also i'll update la. see how it goes.

kk byes! :)

Currently Listening To: Fences - Paramore

1 comment:

cal said...

u going back msia?? only after a month at NZ???

man i envy you, i wish it was my grandad's 90th bd...too much...


well, we are gonna miss ur cooking...