Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Uknowingly Ignored

u know it's kinda funny, we both CLEARLY know each other. but each time we see each other now, it's like i never met her.

and it's actually come to the point that it's actually like we didn't meet at all. it feels that way.

and if i just realised this after the moment we glanced at each other and looked away. and i thought to myself, hey don't i know her?

funny, apparently, if u ignore someone long and hard enough, they actually disappear somewhat from your head.

cool. :)

Currently Listening To: Forgiven - Relient K


kim said...

EH! I always greet you what..hahahahahahah!

Hi ben, long time since i left a comment..hee. :p

Josef said...


is there a song with that lyrics?

i dunno y i feel like i should comment whenever i read ur blog

Ben J said...

kim i think ure more perasan than me la. hahaha. and yea so long i din receive comment from you. ALMOST missed you di. :P

smitty, i think there's a kylie minouge song with those lyrics. and good la comment when u read my blog. i like. :D

kim said...

No one can take the 'perasan' title from you ok, it'll always belong to you! :p ALMOST missed me but didn't coz you still see me around even if i don't leave a comment what! You wait, like i said..if i'm not around during summer break, you'll miss me for sure! HAHAHAHAHA! wah really..i'm becoming quite perasan. you're the culprit! hahahaha..