Day One:
Went to UM abt 5.30. Realized that i passed the Ambang Asuhan Jepun at UM. Thought i wud see Azrie, but didnt. Later, found out i'd be sharing a room with Jon Ng on the 7th floor of Kolej Kediaman Ke-12 (I still remember the name, haha!). Anyway, waited til 6 smth then went to the room and unpacked. After that went to have dinner, which wasnt much cuz there wasnt enuf food. seriously, what kind of planning is that when there can be not enuf food??! Anyway, after "dinner" went to hall for international nite. it was kinda good, except i din like the guitarist for the worship part. Basically, he was annoying.the performances from Philipines was nice. after that whole thing we had supper n went back to our rooms to sleep.
Day Two:
Woke up at 5.00 thx to some stupid fire alarm that went off. Had to go all the way downstairs n fall in to be just told to go up cuz it was just a false alarm. since we all woke up so early, we decided to start polishing for the opening parade. After breakfast there was the Opening Ceremony. this was when the VIP guest started talking crap abt his life story, how he doesnt like to go shopping, some kids head getting chopped in half n brains falling out. Man, he was seriously annoying. After he was FINALLY over, we had our state orentation, where Selangor state started choosing ppl for the interstate games in the afternoon later. After that was lunch and we changed and got ready for the interstate games. I was in futsal with Jo, Yih Ren, Bryan and Kevin. First game: Kuala Lumpur, who have been training for the past month. Obviously, for our last minute state team, we lost. But we tried our best. basically, our state lost all the games. Although we did get medals from Table Tennis and smth else i cant remember ;P.
Later at night was the gospel rally. everyone was basically half asleep during that time cuz of the interstate games. but while i was actually paying attention, i tot the play n the worship they had was kinda ok. din really hear much of the sermon though. after gospel rally went back to room to sleep. Slept well too. had a bolster n blanket with me. Haha!
Day Three:
DRILL COMPETITION DAY! woke up at 6 to start polishing. oh yeah, polished my boots the night b4 too, with some of richard help. Thx Rich! Was tense when we went there, got really relaxed, then got tensed up again. Overall i think we did pretty good. Even Caleb said so. now thats a compliment =P. BUT we din get into the finals, which was quite dissapointing. Then later that night was the singing competition. 2nd Subang was FANTASTIC! Our guys n girls were unique. Most of the other companies came out as hip-hop fellas and started rapping where u cant hear what they r saying. We came out as farmers who sang gr8 where u cud hear every single word. UNFORTUNATELY AGAIN, we didnt get positioned in the top 5. 1st JB which KILLED Tell The World with their lousy singing got a place. Wth?! Dunno y la but its so obvious the judges are pilih kasih n cannot hear properly. so annoyed. later some kid had gone into shock cuz he din haf enuf to eat, so i gave my jacket to help cover him. havent seen my jacket since. =(
Day Four:
Nth much happened here. Jus review and display day. The selangor contingent was lead by the Staff Sergeant from 1st Ampang. Man, he really is a joker. Oh yeah, this is the day when i had to stand in the sun and nicely got my face burnt. Then after R&D was the band competition. 1st JB was really good. Their drum major was amazing. Leading his whole team with a fractured left hand? Simply AMAZING! No wonder he got best drum major. 1st KL were good too with their Phantom Of the Opera. 3rd Kl with Ghostbusters! oh and, 10th KL whcih i think most ppl didnt concentrate on thx to the "girls" dancing up in front and distracting everyone. So at the and of the day.
1st: 1st JB
2nd: 1st KL
3rd: 3rd KL
All of them deserve it. They were really good.
Day Five:
Sunway Day! Broke into our selangor groups for the treasure hunt, which was at sunway pyramid. Like W/O Blitz Gun (cool name eh =P) "Home Ground advantage". So half the paper with questions were done on the way there. then a lottle bit more of filling in some stuff and we were done by 11.30. BUT, we were too early so we didnt submit til much later. So, after hafin lunch at A&W, went to sunway lagoon! Had fun there, riding the rides and the roler coaster. didnt go on much rides though. Cuz it was crowded. Waited 45 min for a 5 minute ride. oh well, at least we had fun right? At 4 smth went down to the wet park for the beach party. Changed from our wet clothes. and went to the beach-ish part for the "modeling" part of the beach party. Euodia was chosen to represent selangor for the fancy dress. Go 2nd Subang! =P After dinner, which took awhile to get then beach party then started. There was a lot of singing by a lot of ppl and it was raining too. Well, being me with a short attention span, i got bored halfway and started to build a Sand-Letter.

Day Six:
Final Day. Woke up at 6. got out of bed onli at 6.35. Polished, had a bath, and ended up late. =P Then the Closing Ceremony started. Oh yeah, the was no breakfast, since there was supposed to be Brunch later. "Brilliant" idea by the organizers. Putting a bunch of ppl with empty stomachs out in the hot sun. Soon, members were dropping like flies. Oh yeah, our buglers Samong, Julian n Jon Ng played with other buglers from other coys for the closing ceremony. I bet they were so proud of themselves getting to play at pesta. Oh yeah, they played for R&D too. After the closing ceremony, we went to our rooms, changed and packed up then went down for lunch. Later came back to rooms and cleared all bags out of the rooms. Then when i wanted to go down. Lift was so full that i cudnt. So i had to go up n down the stairs, 7 flors, Twice. Like i said to Grace, "good excercise" =P. Later when i reached home, abt 1 smth, dropped (again) on my bed and just slept til 5.
Overall, pesta was good. No actually, it was great! Had so much fun with all the ppl there. Thx to all the ppl who made my last Pesta gr8. 2nd Subang continue to rock on! All of u all really rock in your own special way =).
Gnite ppl!
-|Ben J|-
Waliao. First long blog entry I've ever seen you post up. =P
Muahaha. I see MY cap. =P
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