Wednesday, March 18, 2009

CD Wall

in a stroke of genius, i came up with this idea.

and i'm proud of it. tho it's all damn old CDs. but it's still looking good.

the only problem now is i need more CDs to make it nicer. and the other half of my CDs are back in Malaysia. and erm, prob transferring them might be a tad bit mafan. so nvm. i shall jus wait for those bargains to come.

CD Wall! :D

brilliant. :)

i impressed myself. :)

Currently Listening To: Over My Head (Cable Car) - A Day To Remember


Zhen Lim said...

Eh this is actually quite cool.

But the CDs stay up there with only tape? Won't it fall off eventually?

Ben J said...

it's actually balancing on push pins. but i think the balance is quite well so it wouldn't fall off la. haha.

Zhen Lim said...

Wah that's quite chun. So it's actually a notice board thingymajiggy at the back?

Oh & since I can't comment on the "Only Regret" post... I'll just say one thing "Forbidden fruit always appears sweeter than it actually is."